Food Products

Food Products

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There Are Dangers Lurking in Your Flour

Many don’t realize that raw flour can transmit foodborne illnesses. This pub outlines the risks of flour-based crafts and steps you can take to keep people safe.

Field Guide for Integrated Pest Management in Pacific Northwest Vineyards

In this Second Edition, we update pest management practices for established pests and provide new information on emerging pests and diseases. To produce high-quality wine and juice grapes, effective pest management is essential. The heart of the guide describes individual pests (insects/mites, diseases, nematodes, and weeds) and disorders, along with recommendations for their management.

Developing a Food Safety Plan: An Overview

Food manufacturers can successfully develop a strong Food Safety Plan simply by following the steps outlined in this publication.

Studies on Fruit and Hard Cider Chemistry of Eastern Washington

With the industry expected to continue growing, now is the perfect time to learn more about the chemistry of Washington-grown hard cider apples.

Buckwheat Production West of the Cascades

Naturally gluten-free, buckwheat has a variety of culinary uses regionally and internationally. Learn about market opportunities, how to establish a strong stand, and the best management and harvest practices for this tasty, nutritious crop.

Canning Fruits

This publication explains how to ensure both safety and quality when canning fresh fruits. Details covered include selecting and preparing equipment; preparing apples, apricots, berries, cherries, peaches, pears and plums; sweetening fruit; processing methods; and storage.