Con el fin de ayudar a los niños a manejar los cambios que pueden ocurrir antes, durante, o después de un divorcio, los padres, cuidadores y otros adultos seguros e involucrados deben comprender el de ...
A publication with illustrations all about the etiquette for informal and formal dinners. Topics include: responsibilities of host/hostess and guest, table settings and service, table linens, seating ...
In order to help children handle changes that can happen before, during, or after a divorce, parents, caregivers, and other safe, involved adults must understand children’s development as well as thei ...
Without a doubt, parenting is a difficult life project. And, while every parent wants their child to be successful, an over-involved parent steps in to solve their child’s problems, complete their ch ...
Six fact sheets for strengthening 4-H families and youth. Topics include: establishing expectations, planning time spent with kids, communication tips, preventing misbehavior. ...
Watching children in action DVD brings actual child care situations into child development classes, workshops, and in-service training sessions. Learning grows when trainees process and integrate both ...
What do you do if you find a bed bug in school? This fact sheet for educators and families covers prevention, identification and best practices for treating an infestation.
By: Dawn H. Gouge and Tim Stock