As soil acidification continues to be a concern for growers in the Pacific Northwest, WSU researchers are working to provide information and recommendations for how to mitigate adverse effects. Root d ...
The anobiid beetles can cause a lot of structural damage to wooden buildings before being discovered because they are usually out of sight. Hemicoelus gibbicollis (Le ...
The use of antibiotics in agriculture is under scrutiny because of concerns about the potential for development of resistance to medical antibiotics. This publication discusses the use of antibiotics ...
Apple scab is a fungal disease that is most common in areas of high rainfall and relative humidity. Spots and lesions develop on leaves and fruit. Illustrations identify symptoms and describe the fung ...
Following mild winters, the apple-and-thorn skeletonizer, Eutromula pariana, can be a serious pest in home orchards. It affects all fruit growing areas of Washington state. ...
This fact sheet outlines the disease cycle of ring rot, and approaches for sanitation and control by commercial potato growers and seed potato growers alike. ...
Bacterial lenticel spot is one manifestation of bacterial soft rot on potato which is initiated at tuber lenticels. Soft rot is a wet, mushy rot of plant tissues that progresses rapidly, especially wh ...
This case study is part of the Farmer-to-Farmer Case Study project, which explores innovative approaches regional farmers are using that may increase their resilience in the face of a changing climate ...