Consumer Food Safety; Canning; Freezing

Consumer Food Safety

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Farm to Cafeteria: Implementing a Fifth Season at Your School

A Fifth Season event connects farmers to schools and communities: learn how this program feeds youth with high quality, local produce all year round.

Food Preservation Resources

This 4-page brochure lists web and print resources for food safety and canning/food preservation. ...

Freezing Convenience Foods That You've Prepared at Home

To increase household convenience, efficiency, and economy, as well as ensure safe, tasty meals, this publication provides guidance on how to prepare home-cooked foods for freezing, preserve food qual ...
Desde €0.00

Freezing Fruits and Vegetables

This publication describes how to freeze fruits, vegetables, and juices, and how to refreeze frozen foods. Includes freezing fruit without sugar, with ascorbic acid, in syrup, and packed in sugar; and ...

Fresh Cheese Made Safely

Queso fresco, a fresh, crumbly, white cheese, can be made at home! Step-by-step process for making this cheese safely included.

Fundamentals of Consumer Food Safety and Preservation: Master Handbook - credit flip flash drive

This is the Flashdrive of the EC002 Handbook

Fundamentals of Consumer Food Safety and Preservation is an extensive revision of the Food Safety Advisor Volunteer Handbook (EM4895, 2003). Sinc ...


Fundamentals of Consumer Food Safety and Preservation: Master Handbook (Replaces EM4895)

This handbook is an extensive update of the Food Safety Advisor Volunteer Handbook. The interest in consumer food safety and preservation by the general public has expanded, therefore, this edition of the Handbook was written for a wider audience, as well as addressing the needs of those participating in the Food Safety Advisor programs.

Guardado de frutas en conserva (Canning Fruits)

Esta publicación explica cómo garantizar tanto la seguridad como la calidad de las frutas frescas guardadas en conserva.

Guardado de vegetales en conserva

Guardar en conserva puede ser una estupenda forma de obtener el beneficio total de los vegetales de su jardín. Cuando se preparan correctamente, los alimentos retienen sus nutrientes y sabor. Si se ha ...