Washington State is a national leader in organic berry production. This fact sheet summarizes recent acreage, production, and value of certified organic raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries in ...
This fact sheet is part of a series that presents production information for growing a variety of vegetables in western Washington to supplement nutrition for livestock. Cultivars, soil characteristi ...
Water quality is an important aspect of irrigation, but it can be difficult to achieve. On rill-irrigated row crops, vegetative filter strips can be effective as a best management practice for improvi ...
Vegetative filter strips (VFSs) are areas of land that have been planted with vegetation in order to intercept and slow down runoff water, capture eroded soil, and increase surface water infiltration. ...
Late blight, an infamous plant disease affecting potato and tomato, can be mitigated: learn controls, the life cycle, seasonal guidelines, and more, here.