Consumer Food Safety; Canning; Freezing

Consumer Food Safety

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Low Sugar Fruit Spreads

As consuming less sugar has become a goal for many people, low- and no-sugar fruit spreads have become very popular. To meet consumer demand for lower sugar products, many commercial pectin products h ...

Making Garlic- and Herb-Infused Oils at Home

Describes safe and simple procedures for flavoring oils from spices in your own garden. (Reviewed by WSU specialist Lizann Powers-Hammond) ...

Making Jams, Jellies, and Fruit Spreads

Making and canning fruit spreads is a good way to use fruits that are not suitable for canning whole or freezing. Sugar is used as a preservative in fruit spreads. The individual characteristics of a ...

Now You're Cooking - Using a Food Thermometer (brochure)

Using a food thermometer can improve the quality and safety of meat. This brochure describes the why and how of using a food thermometer when cooking small cuts if meat like meat patties, chicken b ...


Pack Food Safety in Your Lunch

Not only is packing a lunch quick and healthy, it is also cost-effective. Learn best practices for how to correctly pack a lunch to minimize food-borne illness. ...

Pickling Fish and Other Aquatic Foods for Home Use-PDF

Preserving seafood with vinegar or citrus juices is one of the easiest food preservation methods known, but can yield a dangerous product if not properly prepared. Fish with high oil content (Chino ...


Pickling Vegetables

The 2015 edition has three new recipes and updated preservation information for improved product quality and safety.

Describes the equipment and ingredients needed for pickling, ...


Practical Biosecurity Recommendations for Farm Tour Hosts

This publication was written for livestock producers who would like to open their farms to the public for tours or educational workshops, yet reduce disease risks potentially associated with such visi ...

Preserving Berries

A variety of berries can be found in the Pacific Northwest, and the list of those that grow abundantly are extensive. Depending on the type, berries can be ready for harvest in the late spring, with s ...