Pests, Plant Diseases, and Weeds

Pests and Plant Diseases

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Vineyard Nutrient Management in Washington State (Replaces PNW622 Publication)

Understanding the nutrient requirements of perennial fruit crops is paramount to the longevity and sustainability of a commercial operation. This guide provides basic information on grape plant nutrit ...

Vole Management in Home Backyards and Gardens (Home Garden Series)

Our native PNW voles undergo periodic population explosions during which time they cause extensive damage within their home ranges. This fact sheet will help identify voles and the damage they cause a ...

Walnut Husk Fly

The walnut husk fly, Rhagoletis completa Cresson, can become a serious pest of walnuts throughout the Pacific Northwest. While the larvae of this fly feed directly on walnut husks, their feeding will ...

Washington Pesticide Laws and Safety

A guide to safe use and handling for applicators and dealers. Introduces and covers pests and pest control, federal and Washington State pesticide laws, pesticide formulations, pesticide label info ...


Western Cherry Fruit Fly and Your Backyard Cherry Tree

Washington State homeowners who plant apple, pear, or cherry trees on their property should know they are legally responsible for controlling insect pests because these pests are a threat to commercia ...

Western Corn Rootworm in Eastern Oregon, Idaho, and Eastern Washington

WCR, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Chrysomelidae), is currently a sporadic pest in the Pacific Northwest, but isolated infestations have been severe. The potential for WCR to become a ser ...


Western Washington Field Guide to Common Small Fruit Root Weevils

A field guide to use in identifying fruit root weevils in three different groups. Life Cycle & Monitoring along with weevil ID. ...


White Mold of Jerusalem Artichoke

Jerusalem artichokes, or sunchokes, are gaining popularity among consumers and therefore being grown more widely. Both commercial growers and home gardeners should be aware of a major disease of Jerus ...

White Pine Weevil

Online Only

Photographs and descriptions identify the white pine weevil, (Pissodes strobi), which is also known as the Sitka spruce weevil. Found throughout the western states, t ...
