Pesticide Training materials

Pesticide Training materials

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Agricultural Weed Management Principles

Covers basic information on weed laws, weed classification and biology, and management principles used to control weeds in agricultural cropland, associated noncropland, or rangeland. Authors discuss ...

Livestock Pests Study Guide

Specialists describe life history of common insect pests of cattle, poultry, sheep, goats, horses, and swine. Symptoms to watch for and consequences of infestation are presented. Authors discuss cultu ...

Weed Control Training: Supplement for Limited Private Applicators and Rancher Private Applications (Replaces MISC0547E)

This is a supplement to the training materials for the Limited Private Applicator and Rancher Private Applicator pesticide licenses.

Wood Preservation and Wood Product Treatment Training Manual

Properties of wood are outlined. Pests that damage wood are described, including wood-destroying fungi, wood-staining fungi, termites, carpenter ants, beetles, and marine borers. Moisture control, che ...

Private Applicator Pesticide Education Manual

Covers federal and Washington State pesticide laws, pesticide formulations, label information, pesticide hazards and health concerns, safe use of pesticides to protect people, the environment, nont ...


Manual para Aplicadores Privados de Pesticidas (Private Applicator Pesticide Education Manual)

Cubiertas federales y leyes del pesticida del estado de Washington, formulaciones del pesticida, información de la etiqueta, peligros del pesticida y preocupaciones de la salud, uso seguro de pesticidas de proteger a gente, el ambiente, las plantas del nontarget, la fauna, e insectos beneficiosos; uso y calibración del equipo; control de parásito histórico, gerencia integrada del parásito, gerencia de las enfermedades de los insectos y de los ácaros, del malo hierba, vegetales, y de los parásitos vertebrados. Incluye la información de la conversión y un glosario de términos. Utilizado en el entrenamiento del pesticida para el Ministerio de Agricultura de estado de Washington el examen privado de la autorización del aplicador.

Washington Pesticide Laws and Safety

A guide to safe use and handling for applicators and dealers. Introduces and covers pests and pest control, federal and Washington State pesticide laws, pesticide formulations, pesticide label info ...


Rights-of-Way Vegetation Management

Weed control on rights-of-way access property that includes powerlines, roadsides, ditch banks. Covers basic weed science, vegetation management, herbicide activity and selectivity, factors influencin ...

Turf and Ornamental Weed Management Principles

Weed control on turf and in ornamental plantings. Covers weed science and herbicide basics, precautions for spray use, and fine points of application equipment. Used in pesticide training for Washingt ...