Mavencamp, Denise

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Judging Meat Goats and Oral Reasons

This publication will help youth and beginning meat goat producers to understand the four basic criteria for selecting a meat goat. It will also help beginners in 4-H and FFA livestock judging to unde ...

Judging Sheep and Oral Reasons

This publication will help youth and beginning sheep producers to understand the four basic criteria for selecting a sheep animal. It will also help beginners in 4-H and FFA livestock judging to under ...

Judging Swine and Oral Reasons 101

This publication will help interested youth and adults understand the five basic criteria in the meat industry for selecting a swine animal, as well as proper note-taking format and the structure o ...


Judging Beef Cattle and Oral Reasons 101

This publication will help interested youth and adults understand the five basic criteria in the meat industry for selecting a beef animal, as well as proper note-taking format and the structure of ...
