Ganjyal, Girish

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Preventive Controls for Human Food: An Overview

The safety of the food that we process and serve to the public is very important. Keeping our food safe in the production, packaging, and distribution and until it reaches the consumer is critical. Th ...

Tips for Marketing Quality Salmon Harvests Direct to the Customer

Selling direct to the customer can be rewarding for a commercial salmon fisherman, with higher returns per pound and good relationships with appreciative customers. To be successful, suppliers must pr ...

Food Extrusion Processing: An Overview

Extrusion processing is a commonly used processing technology in the food industry with a wide number of applications. It is a processing system that forces food materials through a small opening, whi ...

Peaches: Value-Added Food Products

Peaches are consumed as fresh fruit, as puree, mousse and smoothies, as topping for yogurt, ice cream, cereals, pancakes, or waffles, and as a filling for pies, tarts, cobblers, or strudels. They’re a ...

Foreign Supplier Verification Programs (FSVP): An Overview

Ensuring food safety is becoming increasingly important with the vast globalization of our food supply: learn what the FSVP rule is and what it does.

Washington State Very Small Food Processors: An Overview of What You Need to Know About FSMA

How does the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) affect very small food processors? This question answered, and more, in this pub.