Fertilizing Farmland with Yard Trimmings from Landscape Maintenance

Yard trimmings are a beneficial soil amendment that supply plant nutrients and organic matter. They have been successfully used in the production of a variety of annual and perennial crops in Washingt ...
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Soil Fertility in Organic Systems: A Guide for Gardeners and Small Acreage Farmers

This publication discusses the many types of fertilizers and soil amendments available for organic plant production. Fertilizer formulations, nutrient availability, and application practices for commo ...

Soil Testing: A Guide for Farms with Diverse Vegetable Crops

Soil analysis can guide farmers and gardeners in making soil amendment and soil management decisions. Making soil sampling an annual event will allow for tracking management practices and influencing ...

A Gardener’s Primer to Mycorrhizae: Understanding How They Work and Learning How To Protect Them (Home Garden Series)

Mycorrhizae are symbiotic associations between many plants and the beneficial fungi that colonize their roots. Gardeners are often unaware of these relationships and may inadvertently injure or kill t ...

Anthracnose Canker Integrated Management Plan for Home Gardeners (Home Garden Series)

Home gardeners can learn to mitigate this rampant disease in the Pacific Northwest that limits apple harvests. ...