Bary, Andy

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Fertilizing Farmland with Yard Trimmings from Landscape Maintenance

Yard trimmings are a beneficial soil amendment that supply plant nutrients and organic matter. They have been successfully used in the production of a variety of annual and perennial crops in Washingt ...

Fertilizing with Manure

Are you thinking about using manure to fertilize your farm but want more information? Properly managed manure applications recycle nutrients to crops, improve soil quality, and protect water quality. ...

Biosolids in Dryland Cropping Systems

This publication reviews the long-term benefits of municipal biosolids applications on soil health in dryland cereal and pasture cropping systems east of the Cascades. Biosolids were an especially eff ...

Worksheet for Calculating Biosolids Application Rates in Agriculture

Biosolids are a byproduct of municipal wastewater treatment. Raw sewage solids must be processed to meet U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards before they can be called biosolids. This worksh ...

Date, Rate and Place: The Field Book for Dairy Manure Applicators

This publication provides recording keeping sheets and examples for manure applications on dairy farms. Examples are provided for a number of different manure handling systems. ...

Fertilizing with Biosolids

Focuses on how biosolids can be used to supply nutrients to crops. Describes the nutrient content and fertilizer replacement value of biosolids and the relationship between biosolids nutrient input ...
