Nutrient Management Guide for Dryland and Irrigated Alfalfa in the Inland Northwest

This full-color illustrated guide for optimizing alfalfa production according to the growing conditions common throughout Idaho and east of the Cascades in Oregon and Washington provides specific reco ...
Sku: PNW0611
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Clover Root Curculio in Alfalfa: Identification, Biology, and Management

This publication will help growers in Washington, Idaho, and Oregon design an integrated pest management (IPM) program for Sitona hispidulus, a pest of alfalfa and clover that occurs throughout the Un ...

Genetically Engineered Alfalfa and Feral Alfalfa Plants: What Should Growers Know?

Alfalfa is the world’s most important forage crop, and the western US is its most important production area. Feral alfalfa is common and can potentially lower the genetic purity of alfalfa seed and cu ...

WSU Drought Advisory: Alfalfa Irrigation with Reduced Water Supplies

Alfalfa grown for forage in the arid Northwest requires 1.8-acre feet to 3.2-acre feet of water per year, depending on length of the growing season. This drought advisory recommends steps to take in l ...

Washington State Irrigated alfalfa Variety Trials Planted in 2012 and Harvested in 2013 - 2015

Having trouble choosing which alfalfa variety to plant? New alfalfa varieties are released each year and little information is available to producers in Washington State.