Steve Fransen

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Dual-Purpose Winter Canola in the Pacific Northwest: Forage Management (Oilseed Series)

As the name suggests, dual-purpose winter canola serves two purposes: fall forage or silage and grain harvest. Canola forage could be advantageous in the inland PNW where late summer and fall pasture ...

Haymaking on the Westside/Farming West of the Cascades Series

Reality indicates good quality hay can be produced on the west side of Washington State with proper knowledge, skills, equipment, storage, and perhaps a bit of luck. Aside from luck, this publicaiton ...

Pasture and Hayland Renovation for Western Washington and Oregon

This publication is designed to help you achieve a successful forage seeding whether you're a beginning or experienced forage producer. It's divided into sections so you can focus on the information y ...

The Western Oregon and Washington Pasture Calendar

This publication describes—by climatic zone—perennial pasture plant growth and how management actions can affect growth, both positively and negatively. Optimal management of forages by season is the ...

WSU Drought Advisory: Managing Irrigated Pastures and Grass Hay Land

Drought-stressed hay and forage can be higher in nitrates than usual. Prevent overgrazing to protect the pasture, and test cut hay and forage for nitrate levels to protect your livestock. Authors offe ...

Dual-Purpose Winter Canola in the Pacific Northwest: Silage Production (Oilseed Series)

Dual-purpose winter canola is gaining attention, and recent research has begun to illustrate its potential. As the name suggests, dual-purpose winter canola serves two purposes: fall forage or silage ...