Yorgey, Georgine

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Building resilience through engagement: Brenda and Tony Richards - Rancher-to-Rancher Case Study series: Increasing resilience among ranchers in the Pacific Northwest

This publication is part of the Rancher-to-Rancher Case Study Series: Increasing resilience among ranchers in the Pacific Northwest.

Carbon Sequestration Potential in Cropland Soils in the Inland Pacific Northwest: Knowledge and Gaps

What determines whether your soil is a carbon sink or a carbon source? Find out which ag management strategies effectively store carbon in cropland soils in the inland PNW.

Methods of Estimating Crop Evapotranspiration with Remote Sensing: Advantages and Limitations

Recent advances using the latest remote sensing can benefit farmers and producers looking to estimate or reduce their water use, and many of these resources are free and publicly available. Learn more about some of the methods used for tracking crop evapotranspiration in the field.

Anaerobic Digestion for Waste Management and Energy Generation in the Pacific Northwest

Anaerobic digestion technologies can generate renewable energy and have the potential for widespread adoption. In this Extension publication, commonly asked questions about these technologies are answered, and diagrams and figures further break down the process.