Wohleb, Carrie

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Common Bacterial Blight and Halo Blight: Two Bacterial Diseases of Phytosanitary Significance for Bean Crops in Washington State

This fact sheet has been prepared to increase awareness of seed-borne bacterial diseases that afflict bean plants—both edible bean crops and bean seed crops. ...

Blister Beetles: Pest or Beneficial Predator

This fact sheet assists producers in recognizing blister beetles and understanding their importance as beneficial predators, as well as their potential to be toxic to livestock. Management strategies ...

Corn Earworm Pest of Sweet Corn

In the US, sweet corn’s most destructive insect pest is the corn earworm. With the goal of aiding commercial producers and crop consultants, this publication describes the biology of corn earworms and ...

Los Trips de la Cebolla (Onion Thrips - SPANISH translation)

Resumen: El trips de la cebolla, Thrips tabaci Lindeman, es el insecto plaga más destructivo en cultivos de cebolla en el Estado de Washington. La presente publicación trata sobre la manera en que el ...

Onion Thrips

The onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman, is the most destructive insect pest of onions in Washington State. This publication looks at how Thrips can damage onion plants, cause the production of small ...

Western Corn Rootworm in Eastern Oregon, Idaho, and Eastern Washington

WCR, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte (Chrysomelidae), is currently a sporadic pest in the Pacific Northwest, but isolated infestations have been severe. The potential for WCR to become a ser ...
