Corn Earworm Pest of Sweet Corn

In the US, sweet corn’s most destructive insect pest is the corn earworm. With the goal of aiding commercial producers and crop consultants, this publication describes the biology of corn earworms and ...
Sku: FS221E
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Corn Smuts

Two types of smut attack corn in the Pacific Northwest: common smut and head smut. This publication provides descriptions of symptoms, the disease cycle, and management strategies for each. Significa ...

Growing Cucumbers in Home Gardens (Home Garden Series)

Information is provided on the definition, culture, and care of cucumbers when grown in home gardens. ...

Growing Squash in Home Gardens (Home Garden Series)

The various types of summer and winter squash are described and pictured, with guidelines for planting, maintenance, pest management, and harvest and storage, as well as tips for canning and freezing. ...

Growing Sweet Corn in Home Gardens (Home Garden Series)

This publication describes the various types of sweet corn varieties best suited to the home garden; along with guidelines for planting, plant maintenance and pest management. Tips for harvesting an ...