Walker, Ely

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Dual-Purpose Winter Canola in the Pacific Northwest: Forage Management (Oilseed Series)

As the name suggests, dual-purpose winter canola serves two purposes: fall forage or silage and grain harvest. Canola forage could be advantageous in the inland PNW where late summer and fall pasture ...

Feeding livestock during and after a disaster

Disaster strikes, and you’re left without the feed you normally give your livestock. While unfamiliar feed in an emergency may be necessary, quickly changing animals’ diets can cause them added stress.

Dual-Purpose Winter Canola in the Pacific Northwest: Silage Production (Oilseed Series)

Dual-purpose winter canola is gaining attention, and recent research has begun to illustrate its potential. As the name suggests, dual-purpose winter canola serves two purposes: fall forage or silage ...