Soil Science

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Understanding and Measuring Organic Matter in Soil

Understanding organic matter’s role in soil can be critical to any agricultural operation: learn the emerging methods of measurement in this publication.

Using a pH Meter for In-Field Soil pH Sampling (Soil Acidification Series)

Decreasing soil pH, also called soil acidification, is a growing concern in eastern Washington and northern Idaho. Researchers and farmers have measured soil pH values below 5.0 throughout the Palouse ...

What Happens to Herbicides in the Soil Under Drought Conditions?

WSU Drought Advisory: This bulletin describes the microbial and chemical breakdowns of herbicides in the soil, both of which are affected by drought, and cautions farmers about carryover problems wit ...

Utilizing Buckwheat and Sudangrass Cover Crops as Feedstock in Aerated, Static Compost Piles

This pub examines the preliminary data on growing and using buckwheat and sudangrass as composting feedstock: learn more about this novel technique here.

Preventing Phytophthora Infestations in Restoration Nurseries

Phytophthora species are water molds that can kill plants. They can spread undetected in container plants and equipment. Once they are introduced to an ecosystem, it's difficult or impossible to eradicate them. Nurseries can help prevent the spread of Phytophthora by following some simple steps. Learn how to protect native plants from sudden oak death and other Phytophthora species. By: Norma Kline, Marianne Elliott, Jennifer Parke, Dan Stark, Dave Shaw and Alicia Christiansen

Soil Health in Washington Vineyards

Tracking soil health over time is an integral component of good vineyard management. Learn how to get started building and sustaining soil health in your operation.