What Happens to Herbicides in the Soil Under Drought Conditions?

WSU Drought Advisory: This bulletin describes the microbial and chemical breakdowns of herbicides in the soil, both of which are affected by drought, and cautions farmers about carryover problems wit ...
Fabricante: Parker, Robert
Sku: EM4858
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Farmer-to-Consumer Marketing, Part 1: An Overview

This revision summarizes benefits, drawbacks, and requirements of several direct marketing options, including farmers markets, farm or roadside stands, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), U-pick, w ...

Farmer-to-Consumer Marketing, Part 2: Production and Marketing Costs

This revision covers how to do a general budget analysis for your farm-direct enterprise. Includes how to identify fixed and variable costs and do a breakeven analysis. ...

Farmer-to-Consumer Marketing, Part 3: Merchandising, Pricing, Promotion

This revision discusses the strategies direct marketers use to make sales. It includes making a merchandising plan, display and packaging, customer service, pricing strategies and techniques, and prom ...

Break-even Analysis of Small-Scale Production of Pastured Organic Poultry

Data from five years of trials at Washington State University were used to compare costs and returns for pastured organic broilers using two strains of Cornish Cross meat birds, the industry standard. ...