Regional Economic Analysis

Regional Economic Analysis

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Export Trends in Washington State

Accurate descriptions of export trends are needed for industry representatives, analysts, policy-makers, and business owners to properly assess market conditions. Washington-specific export informati ...

Export Trends in Washington State Vol. 2

Accurate descriptions of export trends are needed for industry representatives, analysts, policymakers, and business owners to properly assess market conditions. Washington-specific export informatio ...

Export Trends in Washington State Vol. 3

This fact sheet contains figures that depict trends in Washington exports by industry from 2002 to 2009. (Comparable 2010 data are not available as of this printing.) The data are represented as an i ...

Export Trends in Washington State Volume 9

This is the ninth edition of an annual series. This volume includes data on both exports and imports. Also included is a section discussing the trend in the exchange rate. Similar to the nation, Washi ...

Export Trends in Washington State: Volume 7

This fact sheet provides data on imports and exports for Washington State, so industry representatives, analysts, policymakers, and business owners can properly assess market conditions.

This vol ...


Impacts of the Azinphos-methyl Ban in the Apple Industry and Economy of Washington State

In 2006, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) declared that the pesticide azinphos-methyl (AZM) cannot be used in apple production after September 30, 2012. While it provides important pest ...

Integrated Tax-Subsidy Policy and the Cellulosic Biofuel Industry in the Pacific Northwest

For Pacific Northwest policymakers interested in making the federal Renewable Fuel Standard mandates work for their state economies, this publication outlines an optimal policy that integrates taxes a ...

Renewable Energy Industry Trends and Workforce Development in Washington State

The renewable energy industry globally, nationally, and in Washington State is in the midst of tremendous change. Significant growth in the renewable energy sector has occurred in recent years, and f ...

Revenue-Neutral Taxation in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho Given the Renewable Fuel Standard

For Pacific Northwest policymakers interested in making the federal Renewable Fuel Standard mandates work for their state economies, this publication outlines the effects of a revenue-neutral carbon t ...