Pre-weaned Calves: How Much Starter Grain Should a Dairy Calf be Eating?

Find out how starter grain amounts for pre-weaned calves affect growth: a comparison of three farms. ...
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Break-even Analysis of Small-Scale Production of Pastured Organic Poultry

Data from five years of trials at Washington State University were used to compare costs and returns for pastured organic broilers using two strains of Cornish Cross meat birds, the industry standard. ...

Dairy Calf Treatment for Diarrhea: Are the Drugs We Use Effective?

The deaths of more than 50% of pre-weaned dairy heifers in the US are attributed to diarrhea. With a focus on the use of drugs to treat dairy calfhood illnesses, this publication aims to assist dairy ...

Dairy Calves and Their Environment: Improving Health, Welfare, and Performance

This publication provides the background and science behind current recommendations for dairy calf housing and environmental management. It also includes an assessment tool for evaluating a calf’s en ...

Farmer-to-Consumer Marketing, Part 1: An Overview

This revision summarizes benefits, drawbacks, and requirements of several direct marketing options, including farmers markets, farm or roadside stands, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), U-pick, w ...