Dairy Calves and Their Environment: Improving Health, Welfare, and Performance

This publication provides the background and science behind current recommendations for dairy calf housing and environmental management. It also includes an assessment tool for evaluating a calf’s en ...
Sku: EM045E
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Dairy Calf Treatment for Diarrhea: Are the Drugs We Use Effective?

The deaths of more than 50% of pre-weaned dairy heifers in the US are attributed to diarrhea. With a focus on the use of drugs to treat dairy calfhood illnesses, this publication aims to assist dairy ...

Cattle Vaccine Handling and Management Guidelines

Recent research indicates vaccine efficacy is at risk due to improper handling and storage by retailers and livestock producers. Following these guidelines will help ensure effective disease immunity ...

Group Housing Preweaned Dairy Calves: Socialization vs. Disease Transmission

Research on calf behavior has shed light on the potential effects of individual versus pair or group housing. This publication provides a brief summary of the advantages and disadvantages of calf grou ...

How to Make a Rope Halter

This is now replaced with 4-h 104 from OSU

A step-by-step guide to tying adjustable rope halters for dairy or beef cattle. Each step is illustrated with photographs. Reprinted from a 4-H Club bull ...
