“High Residue Farming” is an umbrella term for cropping systems in which less tillage is used in order to keep crop residue on the surface of a field. That crop residue provides many benefits to the s ...
“High Residue Farming” is an umbrella term for cropping systems in which less tillage is used in order to keep crop residue on the surface of a field. That crop residue provides many benefits to the ...
“High Residue Farming” is an umbrella term for cropping systems in which less tillage is used in order to keep crop residue on the surface of a field. That crop residue provides many benefits to the s ...
“High Residue Farming” is an umbrella term for cropping systems in which less tillage is used in order to keep crop residue on the surface of a field. That crop residue provides many benefits to the s ...
In 2006, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) declared that the pesticide azinphos-methyl (AZM) cannot be used in apple production after September 30, 2012. While it provides important pest ...
Soils in the Columbia Basin are highly productive for agriculture but can have problems related to their physical properties that can be influenced by different soil improvement practices. This public ...
El injertó en vegetales es una técnica secular utilizada en Asia para mejorar la producción de la planta, reducir la susceptibilidad a enfermedades, y aumentar el vigor de la planta. Esta hoja inform ...
Esta hoja de datos incluye un resumen de cómo preparar brotes de sandía para injertar, algunas observaciones acerca de cómo hacer los injertos, cómo curar las plantas injertadas, y cómo transplantar y ...