Cherry bark tortrix, Enarmonia formosana (CBT), is a major invasive pest of many shrubs and trees, especially those in the Rosaceae family. The larvae of this broad-winged moth are bark borers whose ...
Describes the seven major pruning systems used in commercial cherry tree orchards in Oregon, Idaho, Washington, and Michigan. Includes overall goals and critical steps for major stages within each.
This fact sheet has been prepared to increase awareness of seed-borne bacterial diseases that afflict bean plants—both edible bean crops and bean seed crops. ...
Spiders are commonly found in the Pacific Northwest. These photos and descriptions of common varieties should ease fears over encounters in darkened hallways. ...
The scientific name of the sheep ked, or tick, is Melophagus ovinus. This pest affects the health of domestic or mountain sheep and goats, causing damage to skin and wool, in some cases up to a ...
This publication describes fundamental practices to manage and minimize losses from root and crown diseases of wheat and barley grown in the Pacific Northwest. Includes tables that list the hosts, ran ...
Two types of smut attack corn in the Pacific Northwest: common smut and head smut. This publication provides descriptions of symptoms, the disease cycle, and management strategies for each. Significa ...
ATTENTION: 2025 guide available now! This publication outlines examples of pesticides registered on orchard insect, disease, and weed pests in Washington State. Efficacy and toxicity charts.