Pesticide Training materials

Pesticide Training materials

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Stored Grain Pest Control

A study manual for certification in stored grain pest control. Covers basic information on pest identification and biologies, and management strategies for controlling pests that have a potential for ...

Structural and Turf Demossing Study Manual

A study guide for certification in structural and turf demossing. Covers basic principles of control for mosses, lichens, and algae. Used in pesticide training for Washington State Department of Agric ...

Structural Pest Inspector Manual

This manual is designed to improve the knowledge and skill of structural pest inspectors (SPIs) in Washington State. It provides instruction on how to conduct a structural pest inspection.


Pesticide Broadcasting Network: Your Decontamination Station

This pesticide decontamination DVD is intended for audiences who are certified pesticide applicators, targeting recertification training.

Landscape Plant Problems: A Pictorial Diagnostic Manual

Have you ever wondered what causes your rhododendron's leaves to turn yellow or why your apple tree has fruit with brown spots? This book will help you identify all kinds of plant problems.