Pesticide Training materials

Pesticide Training materials

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Los Principios de Manejo de las Malezas en Césped y Plantas Ornamentales (Washington Pesticide Laws and Safety, Turf and Ornamental Weed Management Principles and Agricultural Weed Management Principles)

This manual is intended as a study guide for Spanish-reading individuals who need materials supporting pesticide licensing exams on Washington Laws and Safety, Turf and Ornamental Weed, Agricultural Weed, and Rights-of-Way Weed. The information included is a translated combination of the English manuals EM012, EM035, EM043, and EM029.

Introduction to Insect and Disease Management

A study guide for managers of agricultural and ornamental plant pests. Covers management principles, insect biology, classification, and descriptions; discussion of insecticides and special precaution ...

Aquatic Pest Control

Describes state and federal regulations involving pest control in aquatic environments. Acute and indirect effects of aquatic pesticide use. Management of aquatic vegetation, pest fish, mosquitoes, bl ...

Interior Plantscape Pest Control

Interior plantings include a wide range of ornamentals inside structures: homes, restaurants, malls, office buildings, hospitals, and apartments, as examples. Pesticide resistance and appropriate pesti ...

Pest Management Study Manual for Pest Control Operators

This manual is intended to help beginning pest control operators prepare for Washington State pesticide licensing exams.

Public Health Pest Control

Covers basic pest identification and biology information on insect and rodent pests that cause disease or discomfort in humans. Authors deal specifically with mosquitoes, flies, fleas, lice, bed bugs, cockroaches, wasps, yellowjackets, ticks, mites, spiders, and rodents. Pesticide application and equipment preparation are discussed at length. Specific examples walk you through calibration of different types of spray equipment, with attention to speed, nozzles, pressure, and spray width. This bulletin contains study information for the Public Health Pest Control exam administered by the Washington State Department of Agriculture. Text and illustrations.

Pacific Northwest Wildlife Management Basics for Pesticide Applicator Licensing

This training manual is for pesticide applicators and/or consultants seeking a pesticide license category for managing problem wildlife in agricultural or urban environments.

Seed Treatment: A Study Guide for Seed Treaters

Authors explain reasons for treating seeds and describe appropriate uses against pathogens and soil insects (the major seed pests). Topics include seed pest management: cultural, physical, biological, ...

Soil Fumigation Manual: A National Pesticide Applicator Certification Study Manual

A study manual for individuals who supervise or apply restricted use soil fumigants. Used in pesticide training for Washington State Department of Agriculture Soil Fumigation licensing exam. The manua ...