Miller, Timothy

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Nightshade: Biology and Control in the Pacific Northwest

Weed species in the Solanaceae, or nightshade family, cause some of the most serious weed-related problmes in Pacific Northwest agriculture. Nightshade control is difficult becase the weeds are so ...


Knotweed Shrubs: Identification, Biology, and Management

Although woody knotweeds were introduced to the United States as an ornamental, they are now known to break asphalt, disrupt sewer lines, destabilize stream banks, and reduce insect diversity. This pu ...

Pesticide Ingredient: Acetic Acid/Vinegar (Home Garden Series)

This publication offers a short overview of Acetic Acid (also known as vinegar when it is used as a food product) and how it works as a pesticide ingredient. ...

Butterfly Bush - Buddleja davidii Franch

Online Only

Butterfly bush was added to the Washington State Class C Noxious Weed List in 2005, and is a Class B Noxious Weed and Quarantine Plant in Oregon. This 2-page publication covers ...


Production of Brassica Seed Crops in Washington State: A Case Study on the Complexities of Coexistence

The purpose of this publication is to inform Brassica growers, industry members, university researchers, extension specialists, and extension educators about crucial aspects of the Brassica seed indus ...