Maleike, Ray

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Drought Advisory: Water Conservation in Gardens and Landscapes

Past droughts and threats of droughts in Washington have caused concern about survival of garden and landscape plants. These include many woody trees and shrubs, vegetables, bulbs, and bedding pla ...

Home Pruning: Reasons to Prune Trees and Shrubs (Home Gardening Series)

This fact sheet summarizes appropriate reasons to prune woody plant material in the home landscape. It provides information on issues such as plant health, safety, fruit production, and pruning for sp ...

Pruning Equipment for Home Gardeners (Home Garden Series)

Selecting and using the correct equipment to prune trees and shrubs makes a pruning job quicker, easier, and safer for home gardeners. This fact sheet discusses the various types of pruning equipment, ...

Turf and Ornamental Weed Management Principles

Weed control on turf and in ornamental plantings. Covers weed science and herbicide basics, precautions for spray use, and fine points of application equipment. Used in pesticide training for Washingt ...