Irrigation and Water

Irrigation and Water

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Managing and Maintaining Vegetative Filter Strips on Rill-Irrigated Row Fields

On rill-irrigated row fields, vegetative filter strips can be effective as a best management practice for improving water quality, but managing and maintaining them is critical. Under poor management, ...

Managing Irrigation Water on Different Soils in the Same Field

Some growers manage soils with very different textures (sand to silt to clay) and/or different depths (shallow to deep), all within the same field. These types of highly variable soils make irrigatio ...

Managing Irrigation Water Quality for Crop Production in the Pacific Northwest

Water management can be a practical and financial challenge in any situation. This publication focuses on analyses used for typical agricultural irrigation water sources. The impact of irrigation ...


Managing Wheel-lines and Hand-lines for High Profitability

In 2008, there were 1.3 million acres in the Pacific Northwest being irrigated by wheel-lines or hand-lines. This publication provides practical advice on managing those irrigation systems, including ...

Nutrient Management for Pastures: Western Oregon and Western Washington

Describes nutrient management practices for pastures to produce forage as a main feed source for western Oregon and Washington livestock. ...

Nutrient Management Guide for Dryland and Irrigated Alfalfa in the Inland Northwest

This full-color illustrated guide for optimizing alfalfa production according to the growing conditions common throughout Idaho and east of the Cascades in Oregon and Washington provides specific reco ...

Pasture and Grazing Management in the Northwest

The comprehensive resource for anyone who manages livestock on pastures in the Northwest, this 214-page book offers pasture managers information and tools to enable their pastures and their livestock to reach their maximum production potentials. Seventeen chapters proceed from planning to budgeting.

Practical Use of Soil Moisture Sensors for Irrigation Scheduling

Good irrigation water management will increase yields, improve crop quality, conserve water, save energy, decrease fertilizer requirements, and reduce non-point source pollution. Using soil moisture ...

Scientific Irrigation Scheduling

Scientific irrigation scheduling is a tool growers can use to improve irrigation water management. When used properly, it indicates when to irrigate, how much water to apply, and how to apply wat ...