Irrigation and Water

Irrigation and Water

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Deficit irrigation of a diverse irrigated rotation: Jake Madison (Farmer-to-Farmer Case Study Series)

In this series, explore innovative approaches regional farmers are using that may increase their resilience in the face of a changing climate. ...

Determining the Gross Amount of Water Applied --Surface Irrigation

This bulletin, the size of a 3X5 card, has a table of water measurement over a Cipoletti weir, as well as examples for determining the gross amount of water applied in surface irrigation. ...

Does Wetter Water Make Fatter Wallets? Using Soil Wetting Agents

Provides a concise overview of water repellency as it relates to soil, and explains how surfactants work to increase water absorption in areas characterized by poor water infiltration and distributio ...

Drip Irrigation for the Yard and Garden

This publication discusses how to set up a drip irrigation system for a small yard or garden space. ...

Drip or Solid-Set Chemigation Injection Rate Worksheet for Volume-Based Applications (Chemigation Calculation Worksheet Series)

Applying fertilizers and chemicals to crops through an irrigation system involves multiple factors and lots of calculations. Whether you’re calculating injection rates for center pivots or drip lines, ...

Drip or Solid-Set Fertigation Injection Rate Worksheet for Weight-Based Product Applications (Chemigation Calculation Worksheet Series)

Applying fertilizers and chemicals to crops through an irrigation system involves multiple factors and lots of calculations. Whether you’re calculating injection rates for center pivots or drip lines, ...

Drought Advisory: Water Conservation in Gardens and Landscapes

Past droughts and threats of droughts in Washington have caused concern about survival of garden and landscape plants. These include many woody trees and shrubs, vegetables, bulbs, and bedding pla ...

Drought Advisory: Water Conservation, Weed Control Go Hand in Hand

WSU Drought Advisory: Controlling weeds greatly reduces water loss in crops. Many weeds, such as ragweed, sunflower, lambsquarter, and Russian thistle, use more water than crops like wheat, corn, and ...