Gray, Sheila

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Growing Cucumbers in Home Gardens (Home Garden Series)

Information is provided on the definition, culture, and care of cucumbers when grown in home gardens. ...

Growing Green Peas in the Home Garden (Home Garden Series)

This factsheet provides information on the definition, culture, and care of green peas when grown in the home garden. ...

Vegetables: Growing Green Beans in Home Gardens (Home Garden Series)

String beans, green beans, edible-pod beans. Whatever name you know them by, they are a satisfying and easy-to-grow vegetable in home gardens. This publication explains everything novice gardeners need to know to grow green beans.

Growing Roses in Washington - Rose Care Calendar (Home Garden Series)

Growing roses in Washington State gardens is easy, but regular care and maintenance is needed to keep them healthy and attractive. This calendar is a quick guide to the year-round tasks required to g ...

Growing Roses in Washington State: Common Disease and Insect Problems (Home Garden Series)

Roses are arguably the most attractive flowering shrub in Washington State and a favorite of home gardeners. To keep your roses looking beautiful and healthy, fending off disease and pests is importan ...

Growing Roses in Washington State: Planting Roses

Roses are arguably the most attractive flowering shrub in Washington State and a favorite of home gardeners. This publication offers information on how to successfully grow roses in most regions of t ...