Galinato, Suzette

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2020 Estimated Costs of Establishing and Producing Conventional and Organic Hops in the Pacific Northwest

Current hops producers and new growers can calculate and estimate costs using these specific baseline assumptions and estimates. Find out more here!

2022 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing and Packing Organic Gala Apples in Washington

Using these inputs, costs, and yields considered typical of a well-managed orchard, learn if producing Gala apple is feasible within your operation.

2022 Cost Estimates of Producing and Packing Fresh- Market Anjou Pears in Wenatchee River Valley, Washington State

Growers can compare cost estimations with various ranges of price and yield to determine if their Anjou pear operation would be profitable, all in this newly revised pub.

2022 Cost Estimates of Producing, and Packing Fresh-Market Bartlett Pears in South Washington

Estimate your costs and returns, then examine the ranges of price and yield at which your fresh-market Bartlett pear operation would be profitable, all in this newly revised publication.

Anaerobic Digester Project and System Modifications: An Economic Analysis (Anaerobic Digestion Systems Series)

This publication briefly reviews "Renewable Natural Gas and Nutrient Recovery Feasibility for DeRuyter Dairy," a report prepared for the Washington State Department of Commerce. You will be introduce ...

Cost Estimates of Establishing and Producing Conventional Highbush Blueberries in Western Washington

If you’re thinking of producing conventional highbush blueberries in western Washington, this publication can be a very valuable resource. Designed to enable growers to estimate costs of equipment, ma ...