Fitzgerald, Stephen

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Enhancing Reforestation Success in the Inland Northwest

Vegetation control techniques to improve conifer seedling survival and growth are described and compared for common area-specific forest competitors. Mechanical methods (such as tilling and mowing) ...


Fire-Resistant Plants for Home Landscapes

As homeowners continue to build in the wild and urban interface, they must take special precautions to protect their homes. One way to do this is to create a defensible space around the home.


Reducing Fire Risk on Your Forest Property

The degree of wildfire risk depends on both the probability of an ignition and the potential for loss of trees, homes, and even lives. Whether you own a few acres or thousands, this publication will help you make your property more resistant to wildfire damage as well as improve overall forest health and wildlife habitat. By following the guidelines in this publication, fires that do occur will be less severe.