du Toit, Lindsey J

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Common Bacterial Blight and Halo Blight: Two Bacterial Diseases of Phytosanitary Significance for Bean Crops in Washington State

This fact sheet has been prepared to increase awareness of seed-borne bacterial diseases that afflict bean plants—both edible bean crops and bean seed crops. ...

Production of Brassica Seed Crops in Washington State: A Case Study on the Complexities of Coexistence

The purpose of this publication is to inform Brassica growers, industry members, university researchers, extension specialists, and extension educators about crucial aspects of the Brassica seed indus ...

Corn Smuts

Two types of smut attack corn in the Pacific Northwest: common smut and head smut. This publication provides descriptions of symptoms, the disease cycle, and management strategies for each. Significa ...

Blister Beetles: Pest or Beneficial Predator

This fact sheet assists producers in recognizing blister beetles and understanding their importance as beneficial predators, as well as their potential to be toxic to livestock. Management strategies ...