Vegetative Filter Strips as a Best Management Practice on Rill-Irrigated Row Fields

Vegetative filter strips (VFSs) are areas of land that have been planted with vegetation in order to intercept and slow down runoff water, capture eroded soil, and increase surface water infiltration. ...
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Vegetative Filter Strip Use as a Rill-Irrigated Best Management Practice

Water quality is an important aspect of irrigation, but it can be difficult to achieve. On rill-irrigated row crops, vegetative filter strips can be effective as a best management practice for improvi ...

Agricultural Lime and Liming - Part 2. Laboratory testing to determine lime requirements (Soil Acidification Series)

Agricultural Lime and Liming is a three-part publication that introduces the basic principles of how and why calcareous amendments are land applied to elevate the pH of acid soils. Part 2 delves more ...

Agriculture Lime and Liming - Part 1. Introduction to Agricultural Lime and Liming (Soil Acidification Series)

Agricultural Lime and Liming is a three-part publication that introduces the basic principles of how and why calcareous amendments are land applied to elevate the pH of acid soils. Part 1 contributes ...

Livestock Management and Water Quality

This publication provides livestock owners and managers with techniques to address water quality problems. The information presented emphasizes the effects of pathogens and sediment, the pollutants ...
