Fine Fescues for Home Lawns in Washington (Home Garden Series)

Fine-leaf fescues are some of the most drought- and shade-tolerant of the cool season grasses that are suitable for home lawns. Fine fescues are moderately wear-tolerant and can be used in a mixture w ...
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Home Lawns

Publication contents include: starting a new lawn, grasses to plant, seeding recommendations, lawn maintenance, disease, insect, and weed control. B/W photos. ...

Beneficial Insects, Spiders, and Mites in Your Garden: Who they are and how to get them to stay (Home Garden Series)

Most of the insects, spiders, and other mini-creatures that pass through or live in your garden or home landscape are beneficial—or do little to no harm to you or your plants. Only a handful of garden ...

Kentucky Bluegrass for Use in Home Lawns in Washington (Home Garden Series)

Kentucky bluegrass is the most commonly used lawn grass in the northern United States. It is very wear tolerant and, therefore, it is used in high traffic areas in central and eastern Washington. This ...

Drought Tolerant Landscaping for Washington State (Home Garden Series)

This publication is meant to assist homeowners with the selection and management of appropriate plants, sites, soils, and hardscapes to create a drought-tolerant landscape. It provides a lists and pho ...