Bramwell, Stephen

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Field Equipment for Grain Production on Modest Acreages and Diversified Farm Operations

Whether it’s to grow grain for feed or as a new rotation crop, learn how to source affordable and reliable implements for your enterprise, here. ...

Biology and Management of Wireworms in Western Washington

By using the photos, graphics, and information in this pub, you can learn to identify and monitor wireworms in your fields: control strategies are included.

Food Hub Establishment: A Case Study of the Southwest Washington Food Hub

Those interested in starting or adapting a food hub will find the info and model in this pub helpful: learn more about these dynamic food systems here.

Food Hub Growth: A Case Study of the Puget Sound Food Hub Cooperative

One of three case studies, this pub delves into the history and current status of the Puget Sound Food Hub Cooperative, which markets, aggregates, and distributes ag products from regional producers.

Buckwheat Production West of the Cascades

Naturally gluten-free, buckwheat has a variety of culinary uses regionally and internationally. Learn about market opportunities, how to establish a strong stand, and the best management and harvest practices for this tasty, nutritious crop.

Food Hub Adaptation: A Case Study of Local Inland Northwest Cooperative Foods

Farmers, researchers, technical service providers, and others interested in starting a food hub or expanding or improving the operations of an existing food hub can learn about this established hub in eastern Washington state, its development, financial history, and current operations.