Black, Carol

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Agricultural Weed Management Principles

Covers basic information on weed laws, weed classification and biology, and management principles used to control weeds in agricultural cropland, associated noncropland, or rangeland. Authors discuss ...

DVD Set-Sprayer Prep & Calibration

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Sprayer Prep with John & Daryl 25 minute DVD Discusses sprayer set up, label requirements, principles of nozzling, pressure, and s ...


Interior Plantscape Pest Control

Interior plantings include a wide range of ornamentals inside structures: homes, restaurants, malls, office buildings, hospitals, and apartments, as examples. Pesticide resistance and appropriate pesti ...

Introduction to Insect and Disease Management

A study guide for managers of agricultural and ornamental plant pests. Covers management principles, insect biology, classification, and descriptions; discussion of insecticides and special precaution ...

Los Principios de Manejo de las Malezas en Césped y Plantas Ornamentales (Washington Pesticide Laws and Safety, Turf and Ornamental Weed Management Principles and Agricultural Weed Management Principles)

This manual is intended as a study guide for Spanish-reading individuals who need materials supporting pesticide licensing exams on Washington Laws and Safety, Turf and Ornamental Weed, Agricultural Weed, and Rights-of-Way Weed. The information included is a translated combination of the English manuals EM012, EM035, EM043, and EM029.

Manipuladores de plaguicidas y la norma de protección (Pesticide Handlers and the Worker Protection Standard)

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Este video explica las normas de protección del trabajador y su aplicación a los manejadores de pesticidas. ...
