Kevin Zobrist

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Assessing Tree Health

Healthy trees are beneficial to our environment and our property values - but how do we determine if a tree is healthy? This publication briefly discusses common tree health problems and outlines a p ...

Basic Forest Inventory Techniques for Family Forest Owners

An inventory is a cornerstone of forest stewardship planning that not only ensures your forest is healthy and productive, but can meet your objectives as a landowner for years to come.

Diversifying Forest Structure to Promote Wildlife Biodiversity in Western Washington Forests

To meet the ecological needs of a broad range of wildlife species in forest lands, structural diversity is needed—both in individual stands of trees and in the broader landscape.

Financial Analysis Principles and Applications for Private Forest Lands

Determining the value of timbered property and the various ways to manage it can be complicated, but this manual provides plenty of examples, explanations, and tools to make the process understandable.

Forestry Education and Assistance for Washington Forest and Woodland Property Owners

Whatever your goals are for your forested property or woodlands, there is probably a resource in this pub to help you out!

Native Trees of Western Washington

In Native Trees of Western Washington, Washington State University’s Kevin Zobrist examines regional indigenous trees from a forestry specialist’s unique perspective. He explains basic tree physiolog ...