Wysocki, Donald J.

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Acidifying Soil for Crop Production: Inland Pacific Northwest

Soil acidification is used to reduce soil pH to improve crop performance and increase economic returns. Soil acidification is a long-term and expensive process, and should be considered on a site-s ...


Camelina Nutrient Management Guide for the Pacific Northwest

Camelina is a drought-tolerant, low-input oilseed crop grown throughout the U.S. Pacific Northwest. This publication provides soil fertility recommendations—including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, ...

Camelina: Effects of Planting Date and Method on Stand Establishment and Seed Yield

To help determine the agronomic potential of camelina as an oilseed crop, research was conducted to find the best planting date and method for optimum stand establishment and seed yield. Field experi ...

Performance of Hard Red Winter Wheat in Late-Planted No-Till Fallow

This publication describes results of field research on the performance of hard red winter wheat cultivars in a late-planted fallow system in the low-precipitation zone of Oregon and Washington. ...

Phosphorus Fertilization of Late-Planted Winter Wheat in No-Till Fallow

This publication describes results of applied research on phosphorus fertilization of late-planted winter wheat in no-till fallow in the low-precipitation zone of Oregon and Washington. ...

Advances in Dryland Farming in the Inland Pacific Northwest (PNW) (REACCh Handbook)

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