What is 4-H?

A single sheet, 3.5 x 8.5 in., that describes the 4-H program in general and lists county office addresses. ...
SKU: C0817E
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Welcome to 4-H: New Member's Information

Explains 4-H emblem, motto, pledge, etc. Brief history and description of 4-H programs. Self-test worksheet at back. ...

Getting to the Point: How to do a 4-H Public Presentation

Tips for demonstrations, illustrated talks, presentations, and how to get your message across. ...

Teaching 4-H Oral Reasons

Teaches leaders how to help 4-H members give oral reasons for judging items and exhibits. Emphasizes knowledge and gives steps for oral reasoning process. ...

Public Presentations, Demonstrations, and Illustrated Talks(LG)

How to guide members who speak in public. ...