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Riparian Areas: Fish and Wildlife Havens

A Woodland Fish and Wildlife Project publication.

This publication tells how riparian areas provide essential fish and wildlife habitat, how land use can affect this habitat, and how management pr ...


Saving Water: Lawns and Other Turf

Drought years prompt us to review lawn watering techniques. The authors remind us a little water deep in the soil profile does more for grass than too much water in the surface inches. They include ti ...

Scientific Literacy for the Citizen Scientist

Knowledge of the scientific method leads to scientifically literate citizens who can read science articles and evaluate the quality of the information presented; it allows a person to distinguish sci ...

Shore Stewards Guide for Shoreline Living (replaces EM4928E)

Whether you live on the Salish Sea or another shoreline, your actions go a long way toward helping protect and preserve the way of life near the water. Loving the wildlife, waters, and spectacular sce ...

Small scale municipal wastewater treatment using a Short Rotation Coppice System: Case Studies from Ireland & Northern Ireland (Case studies for poplar/willow road map EM115E)

This publication is part of the poplar/willow Environmental Applications series: innovation in bioenergy, remediation, and wastewater treatment. ...

Washington State Coordinated Resource Management Handbook 2006

Online Only

The Coordinated Resource Management (CRM) process serves as a model for many types of collaborative, voluntary, locally-led activities that lead to implementation of on-the-gro ...


Wetlands as Varied as Our Region

A Woodland Fish and Wildlife Project publication.

Written as a practical guide for woodland owners interested in fish and wildlife management. The Pacific Northwest supports a wide range of w ...


Modeling Environmental Change: Scenarios in the Washington Water Supply and Demand Forecast

Understanding future water resource conditions for Washington State is critically important: learn what scenarios are and how to apply them here.

Water Quality Risk Assessment for Grazing Areas

What is risk assessment and how is it critical to the environmental, social, and economic sustainability of livestock operations? That and more here.