Smiley, Richard

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Cereal Cyst Nematodes: Biology and Management in Pacific Northwest Wheat, Barley, and Oat Crops

Describes a species of nematodes known to cause significant economic losses in wheat, barley, and oat crops grown in the Pacific Northwest. Includes ways to identify the pest and its specific damage, ...

Plant-parasitic Nematodes Affecting Small Grain Cereals in the Pacific Northwest

Discusses several species of plant-parasitic nematodes that occur where small-grain crops are produced in the Pacific Northwest. Covers nematode biology, symptoms of injury, yield constraints, man ...


Root-lesion Nematodes: Biology and Management in Pacific Northwest Cropping Systems

To help Washington, Oregon, and Idaho wheat growers reduce the estimated $51 million annual loss to the region from root-lesion nematodes, PNW617 provides detailed results from the latest research ...
