R. Andrew Rodstrom

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Forest and western tent caterpillars: Insect Pest Management in Hybrid Poplars series

Grown as a monoculture for biofuel, pulp, and non-structural saw timber, hybrid poplars suffer serious insect pest infiltration. Depending on location, hybrid poplar crops can be attacked by 40 differ ...

Lace bugs: Insect Pest Management in Hybrid Poplars series

Grown as a monoculture for biofuel, pulp, and non-structural saw timber, hybrid poplars suffer serious insect pest infiltration. Depending on location, hybrid poplar crops can be attacked by 40 differ ...

Tenlined June beetle: Insect Pest Management in Hybrid Poplars series

Grown as a monoculture for biofuel, pulp, and non-structural saw timber, hybrid poplars suffer serious insect pest infiltration. Depending on location, hybrid poplar crops can be attacked by 40 differ ...

Carpenterworm Moth (Insect Pest Management in Hybrid Poplars Series)

Grown as a monoculture for biofuel, pulp, and non-structural saw timber, hybrid poplars suffer serious insect pest infiltration. Depending on location, hybrid poplar crops can be attacked by 40 differ ...

Cottonwood leaf beetle: Insect Pest Management in Hybrid Poplars series

Grown as a monoculture for biofuel, pulp, and non-structural saw timber, hybrid poplars suffer serious insect pest infiltration. Depending on location, hybrid poplar crops can be attacked by 40 differ ...

Fall Webworm: Insect Pest Management in Hybrid Poplars series

Grown as a monoculture for biofuel, pulp, and non-structural saw timber, hybrid poplars suffer serious insect pest infiltration. Depending on location, hybrid poplar crops can be attacked by 40 differ ...