Plant Pests and Diseases

Plant Pests and Diseases

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Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD) Monitoring, Identifying, and Fruit Sampling

Spotted wing drosophila (SWD) is a soft fruit pest in the same genus as other species commonly known as vinegar flies. SWD were discovered in California in 2008 and in Washington and Oregon in 2009. S ...

The European Paper Wasp (Home Gardening Series)

As a newcomer to home landscapes in the Pacific Northwest (PNW), the European paper wasp has a reputation for being both a beneficial predator and a pest. The European paper wasp is a relatively tame ...

West Nile Virus Prevention: Horses (Home Garden Series)

West Nile Virus is a mosquito-borne disease that can infect horses, resulting in illness, long term problems, and even death. This publication presents a number of preventive measures that horse owner ...

What is Tunneling in My Yard? (Home Garden Series)

This publication will help Washington homeowners identify common vertebrate pests that tunnel in lawn and garden areas throughout the state. Successful management depends on being able to distinguish ...

A Grower's Guide to the Most Common Diseases of Peony in the United States

Pests and disease can harm peony, but home gardeners and commercial growers can learn to familiarize and manage the most common pathogens here.

Preventing Phytophthora Infestations in Restoration Nurseries

Phytophthora species are water molds that can kill plants. They can spread undetected in container plants and equipment. Once they are introduced to an ecosystem, it's difficult or impossible to eradicate them. Nurseries can help prevent the spread of Phytophthora by following some simple steps. Learn how to protect native plants from sudden oak death and other Phytophthora species. By: Norma Kline, Marianne Elliott, Jennifer Parke, Dan Stark, Dave Shaw and Alicia Christiansen

Sooty Bark Disease Diagnostic Guide

This pub will walk you through how to correctly identify the diagnostic symptoms of sooty bark disease, a troubling, emerging pathogen spreading across Washington.

Managing Emerald Ash Borer in Washington State

The emerald ash borer is an invasive, wood-boring beetle that causes nearly 100% mortality in infested ash trees: learn how to identify this pest and the latest management recommendations.

Emerald Ash Borer and Its Implications for Washington State

This publication is intended for Extension professionals, master gardeners, public agency personnel, tree care professionals, and those who are interested in an in-depth review of the current state of knowledge about EAB and the implications for potential damage and mitigation strategies in Washington State.