Phosphorus and Home Lawns: Quick Facts and Recommendations (Home Garden Series)

Phosphorus (P) is an essential plant nutrient, but it is also a potential pollutant. Phosphorus fertilization helps maintain healthy lawns growing in P-deficient soils, but P runoff into lakes and st ...
Sku: FS058E
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Home Lawns

Publication contents include: starting a new lawn, grasses to plant, seeding recommendations, lawn maintenance, disease, insect, and weed control. B/W photos. ...

Home Pruning: Reasons to Prune Trees and Shrubs (Home Gardening Series)

This fact sheet summarizes appropriate reasons to prune woody plant material in the home landscape. It provides information on issues such as plant health, safety, fruit production, and pruning for sp ...

Beneficial Insects, Spiders, and Mites in Your Garden: Who they are and how to get them to stay (Home Garden Series)

Most of the insects, spiders, and other mini-creatures that pass through or live in your garden or home landscape are beneficial—or do little to no harm to you or your plants. Only a handful of garden ...

Backyard Composting (Home Garden Series)

Curious about compost? Composting reduces waste and provides an inexpensive treatment for home gardens and landscapes. Whether you have been composting for years or want to start your first pile, this ...