Pests, Plant Diseases, and Weeds

Pests and Plant Diseases

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Huerto Ráfaga de Aire (Orchard Air-Blast)

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Describa abortamiento al aire pulverización de los pesticidas en las huertas. En español. DVD, 16 Minutos. ...


Identificando a las Royas del Trigo y Cebada (Identifying Rust Diseases of Wheat and Barley)

Las royas de los cereales son las enfermedades más distribuidas y económicamente importantes a nivel mundial. Tres distintas royas, la roya de la hoja, la roya amarilla o roya rayada, y la roya del t ...

Identification and Habits of Key Ant Pests in the Pacific Northwest

This publication describes the 12 most common ants characterized as structural pests in Washington, Idaho, and Oregon. Drawings and descriptions follow an introduction to ants and their general biolog ...

Identifying and Managing Mountain Beaver Damage to Forest Resources

The mountain beaver is a medium-sized rodent of the western Pacific Northwest. Mountain beavers cause damage to forest regeneration by clipping or girdling seedlings or saplings or both, and undermini ...

Identifying Rust Diseases of Wheat and Barley

Rust diseases are among the most widespread and economically important diseases of cereal crops worldwide. Three distinct diseases, leaf rust, stripe rust and stem rust, occur on wheat and barley in ...

Insect Answers: The Cabbage Maggot in the Home Garden

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The cabbage maggot, Delia radicum, is a common insect pest in Washington. It attacks a variety of plants including cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, and rutab ...


Insect Diagnosis Request Form

Identification form for growers or gardeners to fill out and send with preserved insects (or insects and damaged plants) or take to Master Gardener clinics. Knowing your insect pest is the first step ...

Integrated Management of Downy Brome in Winter Wheat

Learn about integrated weed management (IWM) strategies to control downy brome, also known as cheatgrass—a major weed management problem in winter wheat.

Integrated Pest Management for Turfgrass (video)

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Watch, listen, and learn about the 5 cultural practices essential to successful turfgrass management: mowing, fertilization, ...
