Pests, Plant Diseases, and Weeds

Pests and Plant Diseases

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Wholesale Buyers Guide to Washington Grapevine Quarantines

This publication is designed to educate wholesale buyers (for retail nursery outlets) on the quarantine rules in Washington regarding the import and distribution of grapevine material. ...

Wireworm Biology and Nonchemical Management in Potatoes in the Pacific Northwest

This publication reviews the wireworm literature and provides information on wireworm identification, biology, crop damage, monitoring, risk assessment, and nonchemical control options that can be int ...

Wireworm Scouting 101: Shovel Method and Modified Wireworm Solar Bait Trap

Wireworms (Lumonius spp) can damage cereal grain crops, resulting in increased weed pressure and reduced stands, yields, and profits. Since crop damage is not detected until after planting, wireworm s ...

WSU Pesticide Study Materials Order Form

Current titles and prices of study materials to prepare for Washington State Department of Agriculture pesticide licensing examinations.

Pseudomonas diseases on cucurbits in western Washington

Cucurbits are high-value, specialty crops well-suited to western Washington—but under threat from Pseudomonas. Learn the symptoms and the management here.

Harvest Weed Seed Control: Applications for PNW (Pacific Northwest) Wheat Production Systems

This publication discusses the various HWSC systems and their potential suitability for PNW wheat production systems across rainfall regions.

AUTHORS: Drew Lyon, Michael Walsh, Judit Barroso, Joan Campbell



With a spiny fruit capable of injuring hooves, feet, and vehicle tires, growers from across the spectrum can learn to effectively manage this weed.

The Northern Giant Hornet — What the Public and Beekeepers Need to Know

The invasive northern giant hornet (formerly known as the Asian giant hornet) poses a significant threat to honey bees, public health, and the environment: beekeepers and the public can learn more here.

Best Management Practices For Managing Herbicide Resistance

Learn to manage herbicide-resistant weeds on your farm using the most effective methods, also known as best management practices (BMPs).