Ron and Andy Juris farm in Bickleton, Washington, in an area receiving about 8–12 inches of annual precipitation. In this publication, the Jurises discuss their use of a stripper header for conserving ...
Eric Odberg farms near Genesee, Idaho, in an area receiving about 22 inches of precipitation annually. In this publication, Odberg discusses his experiences with variable rate nitrogen application and ...
This case study is part of the Farmer-to-Farmer Case Study project, which explores innovative approaches regional farmers are using that may increase their resilience in the face of a changing climate ...
Looking to switch to organic alfalfa production? This management guide details the considerations and procedures for doing so. Organic alfalfa producers must follow rules established by USDA Nation ...
Eric Williamson integrates direct seeding, strip tillage, and raising cattle into his farm near George, WA: learn more in this farmer-to-farmer case study. ...